Kindness excursions for women with Dreamcatcher expeditions
In May of 2015, my middle daughter and I participated in a service trip to Dharamsala, India. This experience forever changed our relationship. Together, we made choices that later would define us. ..any habits we had built, any judgments we had created broke down and we experienced a new found appreciation reigniting our individual passions and uncovering our individual purposes...together. This trip brought perspective to our lives, and doing it together was simply awesome! Getting out of our comfort zone, planning together, and leaning into something new, exciting, even scary, was life changing.
In 2022, after emerging out of two very long years in isolation due to the pandemic, I decided to embark on yet another journey, one that was based upon self-care and kindness. I traveled with an amazing woman (whom I am blessed to now call my friend) Gaby who leads trips to Kenya where she and her family lived for five years. Seven other woman took this journey guided by their own personal blind faith and yearning for greater connection. We all found what we were seeking and much much more! Since then I have had the absolute pleasure to return to Africa several times providing women with their personal experiences of a lifetime.
That's what my kindness trips will focus on, self care, greater connection with other women as well as a greater perspective for this amazing planet we all live on .....sign up for my email list if you are interested in future details.
“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”
Upcoming Trips with Dreamcatcher expeditions
October 2024. Her’d all women’s Cape Cod Storytelling Retreat
Feb/March. 2025 All Women’s Kenya Safari
Photos from my trip to Dharmsala, India May 2015 and Nairobi, Kenya in 2022
“Travel brings power and love back into your life.”