“Without Megan-Coaching; her insight and guidance, I had no direction . With Megan, I’m confident about where I’m going and I now have her help to get there”
— Karen
“Megan’s positive, empathetic nature makes you feel comfortable the moment you meet her. She is an empowering and engaging coach who is passionate about helping others achieve their goals while bringing out the best in them.”
— Emmy
“Working with Megan is an inspiring experience. Her authenticity and ability to ask the right questions, combined with her sky is the limit attitude make working with her transformational. Megan showed me, not to be tied to an outcome and to be open to the possibilities. This shift in attitude has opened many doors for me. Thank you Megan!!!”
— Pam
“I am truly blessed to have Megan Murphy as a personal coach! Megan is genuinely interested in my journey. She encourages me to stay true to myself, especially when others in my life aren’t always supportive. At each session she provides “homework” for me which helps me be accountable to myself and actively take steps towards my goals. Megan’s coaching style is overflowing with kindness, inspiration, and respect and I value her knowledge immensely! ”
— Katri, Entrepreneur
“Megan gets it! I always know that she is thinking about only me. She seems to just “know” what to say-the right thing at the right time. I ALWAYS end up feeling better-confident, empowered, and capable! When she tells you that she gets as much out of our sessions as I do, I know she means it! She is INVESTED in her clients! ”